Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Intrinsic Evil

The reason we follow certain moral teachings is not because this is what the Church says, but rather we follow them and the Church teaches them because they are true.

Morality is universal – what is good for one person to do is good for all people, and what is bad for one person to do is bad for all people. It does not matter who the person is or what the situation is.

Many people have a faulty and populist understanding of what good and evil are. Good is defined as “that which is pleasant” or “that which saves lives”. However, the correct definition of good is “acting in accord with the nature of a thing” or “that which perfects or completes a thing’s being”.

For a human to be morally good is to act in accord with the nature of humanity. We are made in the image and likeness of God and should therefore act as He would have us act. We are made to love and serve God, and to be morally good is to act in accordance with that. Evil is defined as the absence or lacking of a good – thus, a moral evil is to act against the wishes of God.

Intrinsic evil refers to actions that are morally evil in such a way that is essentially opposed to the will of God or proper human fulfillment. The key consideration here is that intrinsically evil actions are judged to be so solely by their object, independently of the intention that inspires them or the circumstances that surround them. “Intrinsic” has nothing to do with how heinous the act is although all heinous acts are intrinsically evil, but rather that the act is wrong no matter what its circumstances.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Good in Every Evil

Today let us remember the victims of calamities, accidents, deaths through abortions and euthanasia. Let us remember the oppressed by those who have power and wealth, especially those who don’t have the resources and the strength to fight and protect their selves. And every time we look around and see the chaos of this world, we ask – where is God in all these? But for the one who have faith sees that every time God allows evil to happen or even prosper, He is always able to bring out something good out of it - a goodness that surpasses that very same evil.

When we come to think about the fate of the victims of these circumstances in the standards of the world, let us remember that while they may have suffered evil in this world - there is a God that loves them and they have been rewarded an eternal bliss which God has prepared for them. And so when He said, “the last will be first and the first will be last”(Mt. 20:16) we will come to fully understand what this really means when in our turn enter the eternal bliss and meet the poor and the oppressed of our world and see how more blessed are they than us.

Abba Father, help us to remember that you loved us first and in this same love we put our trust and faith in you. May our will conform to yours, may your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We pray this in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Friday, July 29, 2016

In Appreciation to our Clergy

The Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life, Calgary has honoured our clergy in an appreciation dinner conducted last Tuesday, July 26, 2016.

It was envisioned to be different from the previous ones as we wanted to deal more on who we are and what defines us as a community. The night started with a simple cocktail and a 10 minute presentation of CFCFFL in pictures that aim to project how alive the community in pursuing our vision and mission and living out our core values and our covenant.

Fr. Marino, the outgoing spiritual director led us to an invocation, blessing of food and a welcome exhortation which among others gave us a glimpse of his 5 year stay as spiritual director. It was followed by a welcome dance to the tune of God is Good by the fraternal and Cluster households. The food was excellent as expected with a lot to spare for seconds and even thirds.

We have heard as a video message our Servant General, bro. Frank emphasizing the Live Christ, Share Christ Movement as our response to the call of new evangelization, giving a very good insight that excites not just the members of CFCFFL but most of the clergy who are present. It was followed by a short video narration on the history of CFC in its most simplest way that really appeals to the heart and common sense by our sister and wife of our SG, sis. Gerry.

sis. Gerry Padilla, CFC History
As we (me and sis. Nida Guillermo acting as program emcees) narrate our own stories of joining CFCFFL, we have shared our hands on experiences on how God has used the community to touch the lives of many individuals and especially couples. People we know whose lives have been changed for the better. This led to another video presentation on the life of bro. Dennis and sis. Melanie Arciaga of CFCFFL Edmonton. Though most members have seen this video more than once, it did not stop us from being touched and emotional again on the powerful conversion story.

Fr. Malcolm, Pastor - St. Mark's
As our ministry grow and we come to understand more the CFCFFL way of life that God has called all of us, we were happy to note most of the clergy whom we have started to work with, initially as individual volunteers to our own parishes, have seen us grow in our service, commitment as couples and as a community as a whole. Fr. Malcolm, Pastor of St. Mark's have enthusiastically addressed his brother priests and ask them not to be afraid in tapping the resource that is within CFCFFL. Fr. Edmund, outgoing pastor or Sacred Heart and incoming pastor of St. James, has narrated his own account and called it a model of parish engagement for any ecclesial group what we CFCFFL has done in Sacred Heart in the last 7 years.
Fr. Edmund, Pastor-Sacred Heart

Fr. Avi, Pastor of Ascension Parish, as we was not comfortable giving a video message stood and thank CFCFFL for all that we are doing. Equally recognizing the importance of our ministry in the life of the Church.

The night ended with the short update report from our Cluster Servant, bro. Toto Palencia followed by a closing exhortation our bro. Boyet Altura, Western Region Coordinator and requested all the members present to join him in praying over the clergy especially those who are present with us that evening.